Everyone who experiences the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is well aware that anxiety fuels their symptoms. When stress is brought under control and you shut down anxiety in 2025, symptoms become far less problematic.
Everyone also knows that medicines and supplements have the potential to suppress symptoms in the short run. Unfortunately, they offer little promise of long lasting effectiveness. What in the world can deliver on this promise? Are there any natural solutions out there?
My answer is yes. A wide variety of very effective methods to calm anxiety exist. Eight (8) techniques demonstrated by research that shuts down anxiety will be covered in this course, one by one, in eight live sessions with Robert Rodgers PhD, Founder of Parkinsons Recovery.
Live classes will convene on Mondays and Thursdays during the month of February 2025.
Shut Down Anxiety in 2025 Course Registration
Regular Tuition $148
Early Bird Special $98
Early bird special is available today.
Shut Down Anxiety in 2025 introduces eight methods, strategies and techniques that have been shown to quiet down and calm anxiety. They turn down the volume of the overactive flight-fight sympathetic nervous system that inflames neurological difficulties.
I did not invent these solutions. They have been extracted and simplified from an extensive body of discoveries by practitioners and researchers.
There is no doubt that using these techniques provides relief from anxiety which is the key to celebrating relief from problematic neurological symptoms.
‘The content of my course introduces therapies and techniques that achieve relief that is long lasting rather than temporary.
- It focuses on ways that cut to the core of shutting down what drives you crazy with relentless anxiety.
- A bonus of the course is a download of my book Seven Secrets to Healing which covers the basics for how healing occurs from the inside out and a download of Pioneers of Recovery.
These eight proven methods make it possible to release, remove and detach the debilitating impact of anxiety and anxiety attacks. A welcome relief from symptoms follows.
In addition to the eight live classes with Robert, participants can connect to the Shut Down Anxiety online course content any time of the day or night using their phones or computers to find information about the methods, ideas and techniques covered in the course.
I am personally available as your instructor during each of the 8 live classes to answer any questions that come up. Click the link below to register.
Shut Down Anxiety in 2025 Course Registration
Regular Tuition $148
Early bird Special $98
I look forward to connecting with you soon.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery