How Long Does It Take to Recover from Parkinson’s?

The subject of this post is a question I am often asked. Is recovery quick? No. Is recovery a smooth ride? No. OK. What is it really like?

I have edited a clip of an interview on Parkinsons Recovery Radio with Howard Shifke who offers a realistic picture of his own recovery process which led to becoming symptom free. Visit the blog below to listen.

You will not regret taking 20 minutes out of your day to listen.

  • How long does it really take to become symptom free with holistic healing?
  • Can I feel better if I embrace a holistic healing approach designed to reverse my symptoms?
  • Is it really possible for anyone to become symptom free?
  • I do not want to experience pain in my recovery process. Doesn’t pain mean I am doing something wrong?

These are the questions members of my audience have been asking for many years. I have included below a clip with my interview with Howard Shifke who addresses all of these questions. He succeeded in becoming symptom free by embracing holistic healing.

If you have been asking any of these questions, please listen to this clip of my interview on Parkinsons Recovery Radio with Howard Shift. He addresses them all.

Howard’s Website and Blog:

Welcome to Fighting Parkinson’s Drug Free

As Howard so eloquently explains,  holistic healing for Parkinson’s disease focuses on addressing the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—rather than just the physical symptoms. Here are some of the approaches involved with this natural approach to healing from the inside out.

1. Nutrition

  • Balanced Diet: Emphasize whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Foods rich in antioxidants, like berries and leafy greens, may help combat oxidative stress.
  • Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is essential for overall health.

2. Exercise

  • Physical Activity: Regular exercise can improve mobility, balance, and overall quality of life. Activities like walking, swimming, and cycling are beneficial.
  • Strength and Flexibility Training: Yoga and tai chi can enhance flexibility, balance, and mental well-being.

3. Mindfulness and Stress Management

  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Practices can reduce stress and improve emotional well-being.
  • Breathing Exercises: Techniques like deep breathing can help manage anxiety.

4. Massage and Bodywork

  • Therapeutic Massage: Can help reduce muscle tension and improve circulation.
  • Acupuncture: Some people find relief from symptoms through acupuncture treatments.

Bottom Line to Holistic Healing

Is it really possible to become symptom free if a person confronts symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Howard Shifke’s answer is – simply put – yes. Does it take time and patience? Yes. Will you get discouraged? Yes. Will you want to give up? Yes. Will it be worth it in the end even if it seems to take forever to succeed. Yes indeed.




Declaration of Independence

My invitation for you this week is to sign and post a declaration of independence for Parkinsons. Many people (myself included) have throughout much of our life looked outside of our inner wisdom for answers.  We have referred to the experts, persons in white coats or fancy suits or dresses, individuals with fancy initials beside their name, initials like PhD, MD, ND … You can list for yourself the assortment of initials that you have seen listed beside people’s names who you have sought consultations from. My own list fills up two sheets of paper.

Because power was acceded to others, we, you, I and many others gave up our own sense of independence, our own ability to make decisions that are in our best and highest good.

Loss of control is the underlying frustration that underpins symptoms of Parkinson’s. The secret to recovery is to take control back. And why wait? Do it now.

Clearly it makes good sense to seek out advice from the experts.  To see what people recommend is often a wise and smart course of action.  Yet many of us, and I say again myself included, have many times wanted someone else to fix us, to make it all right.  In so doing, we acceded our power, our inner wisdom and our ability to know what is right for us.

It is one thing to say that the body knows how to heal itself. That is certainly a mindful statement.  It is also one thing to be sensitive to the signals that our body sends to us.

Yet, it is also easy to slip out of that mindful space and to seek relief without checking in with our bodies; without asking whether or not this is in fact what our body truly needs in order to come back into balance and harmony.

Your body, my body, any body contains limitless wisdom.  We have the power and the ability to know what is in our best interest.  Becoming mindful of that wisdom is the key to recovery. Our body is the one and only resource that knows what is best for us.

Declaration of Independence for Parkinsons

I invite you on this day and this hour to print out the declaration of independence below, sign it, then post it on your refrigerator or your bathroom mirror. Read the declaration out loud to yourself for 21 days. If you happen to neglect to read the statement, start the count of 21 days all over again. It is time to honor the body’s ability to heal from the inside out.

You can print a copy on this post: Copy of Declaration of Independence for Parkinsons 

In the beginning, one cell was formed inside the womb of my mother that captured the wisdom of all that I am today. The wisdom of one is 10 billion times seven fold  today as I am equipped today with a mind to organize my thoughts, a heart to evaluate them and a voice to express them.

At this time and this hour I declare my mind, heart and voice to be independent of any and all control over the health and well being of my body.

I acknowledge the miracle of life itself.

I celebrate the ability of my body to rejuvenate despite any and all limitations I currently experience.

I see limitless possibilities to manifest any and all of my dreams.

I cast off any and all limitations for recovery I have imposed on myself and imposed by others.

I assert the independent responsibility to decide what actions are in my best and highest good.

I acknowledge that the conditions which foster imbalances in my body are complex and multi-faceted.

On this day I ask for and openly receive healing.

I pledge from this day forward to listen to the wisdom of my body.

I commit to take any and all actions that are needed and necessary to bring my body back into balance.

I welcome the opportunity to transform bad habits that have been making me ill.

I refute the oppressive and dehumanizing claims that recovery is not possible.

I accept and welcome full responsibility for the health and wellness of my body.

I acknowledge that a therapy or treatment that helps one person may not necessarily be helpful to others or myself.

I commit to continue my journey down the road to recovery with the intention to persevere despite any and all setbacks and challenges I encounter along the way.

By affixing my signature below, I join with others who honor the power of the body to heal itself as I restore, rejuvenate and regenerate the inner wisdom of my body to heal itself.

_____________________                     _______
Signature                                                       Date

To Register for the Healing from the Inside Out Online Course visit:
Healing from the Inside Out

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 



Dangers of EMFs – the Health Threat of the Century

Are Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMFs) harmful for Parkinsons, Alzheimers and any neurological conditions?  Check out the research in my post today and a suggestion for attending a free Summit next that will address how we can protect ourselves from EMF exposures.

I will be watching and suggest you do too!


Alzheimers Breakthrough 2024

My research focus centers on any and all problematic neurological conditions which include not only Parkinson’s but Alzheimers. Please check this option out if you or any of your family or friends have issues with forgetting and dementia.

I just completed a review of the scientific research on Alzheimers published in 2024. There is no doubt about it. One natural therapy moves to the top of the list. This one is not a medicine, has no side effects and has been shown to reverse dementia.

Check this opportunity out here.

I included a selection of 2024 studies so you can get a flavor of how enthusiastic researchers are about this new breakthrough.

What is it? Visit Alzheimers Recovery to find out.




I have had a few difficult days and been very tired and very weary – sleeping is a nightmare. I hope to start going to yoga on a one to one basis starting in March. I have also had aromatherapy a few times since last I contacted you. Still wonder what natural medications to try – there are so many – where does one start? I was thinking of NADH for Parkinsons as a beginning – what do you think?

I saw my Parkinsons Nurse last Friday and he feels I am very stressed so has put me forward for a Research Study regarding stress in Parkinsons. And I had a phone call only today and am seeing a trainee clinical psychologist who will be carrying out this study. This is aiming at finding out if the number of stressful life events a person has experienced and their coping style in difficult situations, also family history and exposure to pesticides. It does make me feel that I am not forgotten at least!

I look forward to hearing from you as you certainly raise my spirits!!




It is refreshing to learn you are experimenting with a wide variety of therapies. My research reveals that people who are able to find sustained relief from their symptoms employ a variety of therapies.

It is also imminently clear from my research that the symptoms of Parkinsons are directly and immediately influenced by stress. When you are stressed symptoms will flair. I know of no exceptions.

NADH for Parkinsons

As for NADH, listen to this clip of my interview with Steven Fowkes.

Steven Fowkes has conducted two decades of research on Parkinsons and is in a unique position to offer suggestions for persons searching for ways to find relief from their symptoms. As you will learn from listening to this clip from my interview with him, Steve Fowkes says that approximately 40% of the individuals who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons have a NADH deficiency.

He recommends that anyone currently experiencing the symptoms of Parkinson’s consider taking NADH and see if they observe a difference in symptoms. Talk with your doctor about pursuing this option. According to him, it can’t do any harm and may well provide relief from symptoms. Fowkes says that you can obtain NADH from a health food store.

Now listen to Compounding Pharmacist Randy Mentzer discuss NADH in response to a question submitted to Parkinsons Recovery.

May your recovery unfold gently and effortlessly,

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership
Eye Drops for Cataracts

Craniosacral Therapy Offers Relief from Parkinson’s Symptoms

When I first dedicated my research program to identifying the causes of Parkinson’s symptoms and the therapies that successfully address these causes, I sponsored a research study in Portland, Oregon with several colleagues. The purpose was to investigate whether craniosacral therapy offers Parkinson’s symptom relief.

Findings of the study are reported in my blog post below. I discovered over the course of our six month study that stress and trauma play a central role in sustaining and worsening symptoms.

If you are currently not getting regular craniosacral treatments, please review our study findings summarized and highlighted in the Parkinsons blog post below.


Craniosacral Therapy Relieves Symptoms of Parkinson’s


Breathwork Releases Trauma

The most effective therapy I personally used that shut down my anxiety …

In the journey of personal growth and healing, breathwork has emerged as a powerful tool for releasing trauma. We reveal the mystery behind how breathwork releases trauma in this post. How does this ancient practice help us navigate and heal from the emotional wounds we carry? I explore the science and experience behind breathwork and its transformational  impact on trauma.

Understanding Trauma and Its Effects

Trauma, whether experienced in childhood or adulthood, leaves an imprint on our minds and bodies. It’s not just a mental or emotional burden but can also manifest physically, influencing our nervous system, bodily functions, and overall well-being. Traditional therapeutic approaches often focus on talking through trauma, but breathwork offers a complementary path that engages both the mind and body in the healing process.

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is a practice that involves intentional breathing techniques to influence your mental, emotional, and physical states. It ranges from deep, conscious breathing to more structured techniques like holotropic breathwork or pranayama. The core idea is to use the breath to alter our state of consciousness and foster self-awareness and healing.

For more information about the revolutionary approach to Breathwork illustrated in the video, visit:  About Breathwork Today

The Connection Between Breath and Trauma

  1. Regulating the Nervous System. Trauma often leaves the nervous system in a state of heightened arousal or chronic stress. Breathwork helps to regulate the autonomic nervous system by promoting parasympathetic activity, which is associated with relaxation and recovery. Slow, deep breathing can help calm the “fight or flight” response, allowing the body to return to a more balanced state.
  2. Releasing Stored Emotions. Trauma is often stored in the body as physical tension and emotional blocks. Breathwork encourages the release of these stored emotions by promoting relaxation and reducing the defense mechanisms that keep emotions suppressed. As the breath becomes more regulated and deep, it can trigger the release of emotional memories and physical tension, allowing for a cathartic experience.
  3. Creating a Safe Space for Emotional Expression. Breathwork can create a safe and controlled environment for exploring and expressing deep-seated emotions. By focusing on the breath, individuals can enter a meditative state where suppressed feelings and memories can surface in a manageable way. This process can help individuals confront and process their trauma in a supportive setting.
  4. Enhancing Self-Awareness. Conscious breathing practices can enhance self-awareness by allowing individuals to observe their thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment. This increased self-awareness can help individuals recognize trauma-related patterns and triggers, providing insights into their healing journey.
  5. Facilitating Integration. As emotions and memories are released through breathwork, the practice also supports the integration of these experiences into a person’s overall sense of self. Breathwork can help individuals make sense of their trauma and weave it into their personal narrative in a way that promotes healing and growth.

Practical Breathwork Techniques for Trauma Release

  1. Diaphragmatic Breathing. Also known as abdominal or deep breathing, thisHow Breathwork releases trauma technique involves inhaling deeply through the nose, allowing the diaphragm to expand and the abdomen to rise. Exhale slowly through the mouth. This practice helps calm the nervous system and reduce anxiety.
  2. Box Breathing. This technique involves inhaling for a count of four, holding the breath for a count of four, exhaling for a count of four, and then pausing for a count of four before repeating. Box breathing can help regulate stress levels and create a sense of stability.
  3. Holotropic Breathwork. This more intensive technique involves accelerated breathing patterns combined with evocative music. It’s designed to reach altered states of consciousness and can lead to profound emotional releases and insights.
  4. Pranayama. An ancient yogic practice, pranayama involves various breathing techniques that can help balance energy and emotions. Techniques such as alternate nostril breathing can help regulate the nervous system and promote emotional balance.

Integrating Breathwork into Your Healing Journey

If you’re new to breathwork, it’s beneficial to start with guided sessions or work with a trained practitioner, especially when dealing with trauma. They can provide support and ensure that the process is safe and effective for your individual needs. Breathwork can be a powerful adjunct to other therapeutic modalities, enhancing overall healing and well-being.

How Breathwork Releases Trauma Conclusion

Breathwork offers a unique and profound way to address trauma by directly engaging the body and mind through the breath. By regulating the nervous system, releasing stored emotions, and enhancing self-awareness, breathwork can facilitate deep and lasting healing. Whether used alone or in conjunction with other therapies, incorporating breathwork into your healing journey can be a transformative and empowering experience. Embrace the power of your breath and take the first step toward a more balanced and resilient self.

Discover more information about Breathwork by clicking on this image:


Twenty Five Cent Wisdom

You are invited today to join my new 25 Cent Wisdom Patreon group. This is the platform where I discuss in short daily videos new discoveries, developments and perspectives when it comes to successful recovery programs.

It is free to join and, again, an added benefit to your Parkinsons Recovery  membership. It is my new way of offering ongoing support.

My new Patreon platform posts videos that focus on a wide variety of topics, many of which are related to recovery options.

Please join with me. I cover topics you will encounter no where else to be sure.

To join enter your email after clicking on the link below. No password required.

Twenty Five Cent Wisdom


How Cryptocurrency Funded an Election Campaign

We are all living in the US are about to be assaulted with a barrage of television advertising that promotes one candidate or another running for public office. Is it possible to run a successful campaign with no advertising? My new book says yes and explains how.

Check out my new book just published titled: One-Dollar Bet– April 30, 2024. by Daisy Apricot

A university professor accepts a one-dollar bet from a student to run for Kentucky’s US Senate seat and win without spending a dollar on TV advertising. Running as a write-in candidate with no party affiliation, the campaign leads to an outcome no one saw coming, not even the candidate.

The book is listed on Amazon here:

How to Write a Restorative Statement

Here is the link to get an audio download of the the restorative statement audio:

Contact me after you have had a chance to work through the step by step instructions in the audio. I am here to provide follow-up support and help.
