The best way to make dopamine naturally without taking synthetic medicines or supplements is to laugh out loud. My new jokes app sends a joke each day to android phones.
You are sure to find some jokes funny. I do. Some you may not think are so funny or even stupid. It actually does not matter whether you think a joke is funny or not. The Parkinsons Recovery joke-a-day is a daily reminder to laugh out loud. It is the best natural medicine ever. Even better – laughing out loud at a joke-a-day is effective and has no side effects.
How to obtain the Parkinsons Recovery Joke-a-Day app on your android phone. From your phone – search for Parkinsons Recovery and look for this Icon:
Or, if you are accessing this post from your android phone, simply click on the Joke-a-Day icon above to download the app to your phone. It costs 5 cents a day and is by far the most inexpensive way imaginable to infuse your body with a rush of dopamine.