Join Us Monday for the March Support Group Meeting

Coming up at noon pacific time Monday is our March support group meeting. Details on how to connect are on the support group membership page (click on the icon found at the top on the right hand column of this page).

I will offer a few comments about the interplay between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. There is a good guy and a bad guy when it comes to calming Parkinson’s symptoms. Find out which is which Monday.


Ominous Impact of Stress

Speaking for myself, I have always underestimated the impact of stress on my own health. This past month I received an new awakening about what stress really does to our ability to function. I traveled to Texas to help out my daughter who was experiencing health problems. What I noticed during this period was:

  • Lack of focus
  • Impaired recall
  • Short term memory loss
  • Forgetfulness 
  • Loss of energy
  • Fatigue 

Yes, all of my usual functions have “come back on line” as they say in the computer world. But, I must report that the impact of the stress was frightening.

This is the same process for us all. My point? Do whatever it takes to get stress in your life under control. It impact on Parkinson’s symptoms is compelling.



Source of Reliable CBD

I hosted a company on the radio show over a year ago that sold a reliable source of CBD – CBDLibre.  Many listeners in my radio listening audience (and members here) reported welcome relief from using their products. I just discovered they are no longer in business. Many companies sprung up over the past year. The competition is fierce.

Over the past week I received a large number of inquiries asking about a reliable source of CBD.  At this point, I do not have a source I can recommend. I am researching a reliable source at this time. There are many scams out there these days. Many companies that sell CBD are selling a bogus product. Be weary.

Feedback I have received is that a low concentration of CBD (say 100 mg or 200 mg) often offers little to no relieve. High doses seem to result in better outcomes. I am hoping to find a reliable source that manufactures a product with high doses (perhaps as much as 1000 to 1500 mg).

I will let you know when I find a company I am comfortable in recommending. People were very happy with the CBDLibre product. They are just no longer in business.



The Series Consequence of Being Re-Traumatized

I provide consultations to persons searching for natural options that offer the promise of helping reverse their symptoms. During many conversations recently, I have heard too many horror stories of what health care practitioners have told people is the “truth” about recovery. I must convey these stories are chilling because they only wind up re-traumatizing you.

All of the horror stories fall into the category of being told you have no choice but to accept the fact you are going to get worse over time. I will not repeat what I have heard, but I suspect you have been told similar stories of doom and gloom.

It seems some health care practitioners get a kick out of scaring people. They have no evidence to back up their false claims. They obviously do not know you or your body! They obviously do not know what will happen to you! Worse of all, they are simply re-traumatizing you. They are doing you serious harm.

I say to you on this day and hour, do not buy into these false predictions. They only become true if you believe what you have been told by someone who is presumably an “expert.”

  • Know in your heart, mind and soul that recovery can and will happen.
  • Celebrate the stories of other people who have succeeded.
  • Honor your own successes with returning to health and wellness.  


Oxygen is the Key to Recovery

Hi from Houston, Texas

I have been staying in Houston Texas this past week interviewing Dr Donald Rhodes MD, inventor of the Vecttor technology. I have posted tonight one of my interviews on the radio show page here on the membership Radio Show website. I believe Dr. Rhodes has created a way to oxygenate the cells which is fundamental to a successful recovery.

Be sure also to listen to the replay of my discussion today during the initial minutes of our February support group (if you have not already done so). I offer a brief overview of this innovative technology. The replay is posted on the Support Group website here on the membership websites.

  • Vecttor is not a quick fix.
  • You have to do the therapy every day. It takes about an hour and a half.
  • Vecttor is not invasive and does not hurt.
  • From what I have seen first hand Vecttor treatments calm the sympathetic nervous system which overpowers the parasympathetic nervous system. The problem with Parkinson’s is the sympathetic nervous system is running full blast all the time. It is no wonder people run out of energy and oxygen!

If you have the resources, I believe this is a therapy worth giving serious consideration (and I rarely make such a recommendation).



Treatment for Pain

I am presently in Austin, Texas helping my daughter who has been hospitalized for about six weeks now. One of the therapies I am exploring for her is to get treatments with the Vecttor – which is an invention of Dr. Rhodes who I interviewed on the radio show about five years ago. The Vecttor is now FDA approved.

Apparently, he did a small study with five people with Parkinson’s symptoms in Austin several years ago. I am working on learning more about the results which I understand were favorable. I also hope to get a series of treatments for my daughter with him next week in Houston and to learn much more about how the treatments are done so I can explain it to everyone else.

Stay tuned!  His website:


Future Interviews

Hi All!

I have been recruiting two fascinating guests for the radio show this month. One of the guests will discuss his invention called the Vecttor which helps reduce and/or eliminate chronic pain. I interviewed Dr. Rhodes seven years ago when his Vecttor invention had not yet been approved by the FDA. It is now approved.

My second guest will discuss healing at the cellular level. How cool is that?

So, hang onto your hats for interviews with future guests that promise to be fascinating and useful for nurturing recovery.


How to Strengthen Your Immune System

I just posted the interview today on the radio show with journalist Scott Carney. If you are always on the lookout for interesting, natural, free therapies that offer the promise of reversing your symptoms, listen to my interview today with Scott. It is posted on the radio show page here on the membership websites for easy access.

The short version of the interview is that a little shivering goes a long way to enhancing your immune system. Why should this apply to people with Parkinson’s symptoms? Scott tells us about Hans, a man with Parkinson’s symptoms who has embraced the natural therapy with remarkable success.

The primary cause of death for people diagnosed with Parkinson’s is pneumonia – which means there is a compromised immune system. Strengthen your immune system and avoid the complication of pneumonia!  Listen to the interview to learn more (posted on the radio show page here – scroll down the right hand column and click on the radio show icon).


Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics

During the radio show interview with Natural Pharmacist Ross Pelton, a type of probiotics was recommended to facilitate healing of the gut (which has been found a causal factor to Parkinson’s symptoms). I received authorization as a distributor these products and have been taking Dr. Ohhira’s probiotics myself for 3 days.

I have been very surprised at the result quite frankly. My energy is better and my mood has improved (which tends to be sour in the winter time because of the lack of sunshine). Be sure to listen to my interview with Ross. I am convinced he has a sound recommendation that facilitates healing from the inside-out.


Radio Show Interview with Ross Pelton about Glutathione

I have certainly aired a lot of interviews on the radio show over the past 8 years – over 200 – but yesterday’s interview has to receive the award as one of the best. If you have not already done so, be sure to listen to my interview with Natural Pharmacist Ross Pelton posted on the radio show page here on the member websites. (Click on the icon listed down the right hand column here).

The probiotic products Ross discussed that make glutathione naturally in your gut are unavailable in most health food outlets. As a result I have been overwhelmed by a rash of emails asking where to purchase the probiotics Ross mentioned during the interview. Parkinsons Recovery is now an authorized distributor of these products. I can accept your orders and ship them out worldwide. Click on the link below to visit the website that has information about the probiotic products Ross recommends (after listening to the interview) and process an order if interested.