CBD Therapy for Parkinson’s

My research efforts identify recently invented or formulated products that show promise in helping to reverse symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The CBD Therapy previewed in this post is just that – a new formulation that I think is worth seriously considering. It is called 10xPure Gold Super 1500 CBDa oil.

This formulation is a significant improvement over traditional CBD oils. It has been formulated to have 10 times the penetration and potency of other CBD products. This means you should be able to take fewer drops and spend less to celebrate symptom relief.

Once you purchase from CTFO as I have, you become an “affiliate” of the company. It is a direct sales company – not a MLM.

CTFO conducts laboratory testing on all of their samples to insure that the contents are organic and the concentrations match what is advertised. All laboratory testing is available for inspection. If a CBDa bottle is advertised to contain 450 mg of CBAa , you can be assured it does. When they advertise it is organic, you can rest assured it is.

I have no hesitation recommending this company. They generously extend a 100% money back guarantee if the product does not offer the symptom relief you seek. You only need to return the empty bottle within 60 days and your purchase price will be refunded.

There is no risk in trying this therapy out to see if it offers relief from your symptoms.

Watch the videos about 10X Pure Gold 1500 CBDa on the CTFO website by clicking on the secure link below:


I recommend this option because it offers the greatest concentration of CBD (450 mg) at the best price per mg. This means you will benefit from needing to take less to celebrate symptom relief.

Check out the research on CBD oil and Parkinson’s. You will be impressed with the number of studies reporting positive outcomes for symptoms of Parklnson’s disease alone.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD stands for “cannabinoid oil”. It is extracted from either the Hemp plant or Marijuana. CBD allows for the benefits of medical marijuana without the high that is associated with THC. As such, CBD in itself has no psychedelic properties and is generally considered safe for consumption. It is legal in the United States and many other countries as well.

CBD Side Effects

Studies of cannabidiol (CBD) report it is well-tolerated but may cause tiredness, diarrhea or change appetites.

Have You Already Tried CBD But Were Disappointed with the Outcome?

Know that no therapy – including CBD – will necessarily offer relief from your symptoms. Everyone has a unique body with a unique set of needs.

I have drawn the conclusion, however, that more people experience relief from their symptoms taking CBD than do not. In light of the now extensive research evidence, I have no hesitation in recommending CBD as a viable option.

There are two reasons why you might have not experienced the outcomes expected from taking CBD oil.

  • A first explanation for why some people do not experience symptom relief is that the concentration of CBD oil they took was insufficient. Research using patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease find that subjects who took a minimum of 300 mg showed improvement. Subjects treated with 75 mg showed no improvement.
  • A second possible explanation is that the concentration of CBD taken was less than the concentration advertised. Because there are millions of dollars to be made selling CBD which is now legal,  many overnight companies have surfaced. Some are legitimate. Others are not. A CBD product can be listed as having a 100 mg concentration of CBD (which is a low concentration) but the actual bottle contains only 25 mg or less. As a promising new health discovery, many fly by night companies have seized the opportunity to make a quick profit by selling a product that contains little of what is advertised.

Which CTFO Products Should You Try?

CTFO continues to formulate new products that all contain their patented form of cannabinoid oil. Among the many options available I recommend that you consider getting the 10X 1500 Pure Full Spectrum CBDa oil drops. Below is the description that I copied from the CTFO website. The highest dosage (450 mg) offers the best value.

“This supercharged Full Spectrum CBD oil is hydrophilic, making it easily absorbed into the body. It provides accelerated, increased absorption and potency and acts as an anti-bacterial and prebiotic. CBD has been known to support healthy blood sugar levels, promote healthy energy levels, relieve anxiety, aid in digestion, support optimal immune function and the regeneration of healthy cells, and promote a sense of serenity and overall well-being.”

Visit the page below to watch videos about CBDa and the 10xPure Gold CBD product:

Jump Start to Recovery Crash Course

There exists a wide variety of factors that can inflame Parkinson’s symptoms.  Of course, everyone knows dopamine is often deficient, but what is the cause of this? The most important reason that symptoms flare up is unrelenting anxiety caused by stress.

Members of my global audience consistently say they had to deal with extremely stressful situations  before their symptoms became problematic. Reports vary but always involve challenges in their life that result in high anxiety and stress.

  • Perhaps their business confronted financial or legal problems.
  • Perhaps a family member died.
  • Perhaps a child became addicted to alcohol or street drugs.
  • Perhaps there was a stressful divorce.

Regardless of the specifics, anxiety persists day in and day out, week after week.  The stressful circumstances do not let up. Relaxation is not an option. Worry is constant. The neurological system becomes locked on overdrive.

Feelings triggered by the continuous onslaught of stressful circumstances get stuck in the body like super glue. To celebrate a relief of symptoms, any and all trauma that has been  trapped in the cellular structure of the body has to be released.

  • Is your body rigid?
  • Are you often anxious?
  • Is stress unrelenting?

The best way to calm and even eliminate symptoms  is to address and release traumas from the past including childhood. In doing so the body  becomes flexible, calmer and less stressed.

I have developed a free course which offers ways to release the traumas that are trapped in your physical body. Click on the link below to register:

Jump Start to Recovery Crash Course  


Parkinsons Recovery Support Group Forum

I have created a new way for you to connect with one another 24/7. Up until now – the only opportunity to connect has been the last Sunday of the month. Now – you can connect with me and others every day. I plan on connecting into the forum around noon (pacific time) on weekdays.

Parkinsons Recovery Support Group Forum

If you are already enrolled in any of my classes on Kajabi – you already have instant access to the Forum. You will see it listed on your course page.

You may need to register with Kajabi which involves providing your email and setting a password. Access to the forum is free. Here is the link to do so:


Since this is new – there may be no one on the forum when you connect. This will change as more people learn about it!


Is Parkinson’s Disease Degenerative?

Many people hold the belief that Parkinsons disease is degenerative. With this expectation, a person is destined to be worse off year after year. Is Parkinsons disease degenerative? That is clearly what most people diagnosed with Parkinson’s believe.

Every  holiday season, Parkinsons Recovery sponsors a survey to determine whether or not persons diagnosed with Parkinsons do in fact continue to deteriorate year after year. The 2022 survey asked respondents to answer the question:

“Since the holiday season one year ago, have you been generally feeling better, the same or worse?”

If it is in fact true that Parkinsons disease is “degenerative,” 100% of individuals responding to the 2022 survey will report they were worse off. No one would report they were better. No one would report they were the same.

In stark contrast to the expectation that Parkinsons disease is “degenerative”,  seventy two percent (72%)  of persons who answered this question reported they were either feeling better or the same.  Of the 72% of respondents who reported they were either feeling the same or better, thirty-one percent (32%) reported that they were better.

Previous Parkinsons Recovery surveys found 65% of respondents has been feeling either better or the same.  When we cumulate results from previous years, we find the following:

Cumulative Results: All Survey Years

1027 100%
BETTER 247 24%
WORSE 358 35%

Results for the most recent survey show a modest increase in the number of persons reporting they were doing better when considering results for all years (i.e.: 32% versus 24%).

You might well believe that when a person reports they are the “same” it always means they continued to struggle with the same troublesome symptoms over the previous year and thus did not report feeling better or worse. This is certainly the experience for some respondents.

Other respondents who reported they were “doing the same” over the previous year were actually doing quite well overall (not poorly).  When a respondent reports “about the same” it does not mean necessarily that their symptoms are problematic.

We also know that none of us are accurate trackers of our personal health. When ask about our health it is not uncommon for any of us to report we have been about the same over the previous year when in reality our health improved. For this reason our results are conservative estimates.


While a majority of persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease hold he belief that their condition is degenerative, these survey results clearly indicate this false belief is misguided. Yes – some people do “deteriorate”. Our results estimate approximately one-third of persons we surveyed fall into this category. The vast majority of the individuals who responded to the Parkinsons Recovery annual survey report they were either doing better or the same.

Is it really possible to recovery from a diagnosis of Parkinson’s? Results of the Parkinsons Recovery show the answer is yes.


Please Provide a Response to the Annual Parkinsons Recovery Survey


I have a confession. I personally rarely response to surveys and here I am asking you to provide a response to my annual survey. Why?

Responses give me a snapshot picture of what helps reverse symptoms and they guide my research over the coming year. I can let you know the therapies that have been most successful in reversing symptoms and how many people are celebrating a successful journey down the road to recovery.

In summary – you will greatly benefit personally by providing your input to the annual Parkinsons Recovery survey. Please do so.

Every holiday season, I ask members of my audience to answer a 5 minute survey. Your input helps us all understand what therapies help to reverse Parkinson’s symptoms.

Please email me (robert@parkinsonsrecovery.com) answers to the following two questions:
1. Since the holiday season one year ago, have you been generally feeling better, the same or worse?
2. Please list below any and all therapies, methods or approaches that have offered relief from your symptoms.
By way of thanking you for responding to the Parkinsons Recovery Annual Survey I will post here with a summary report of what you and others report.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Olympia, Washington


Parkinsons Recovery Recommendations

Parkinsons Recovery Recommendations

Anxiety: Shut Down Anxiety
Enter Coupon Code SUCCEED to Claim a 50%Tuition Discount

Cataracts: Can-C Eye Drops


CoQ10: Pharmanord
Enter Coupon Code PRQ10WEB to claim a 20% Discount

Frequency Medicine: Healy

Glutathione: ME3

Hydration: Aquas

Walking Issues: Rock Solid Walking
Enter Coupon Code SUCCEED to claim a 50% Tuition Discount


Photobiomodulation: https://www.vielight.com
Enter Coupon Code healing4me to claim a 10% discount

Probiotics: Dr. Ohhira’s

Sound Medicine: Solex

Tremors: Tame Tremors
Enter Coupon Code SUCCEED to claim a 50% Tuition Discount

Vibration Therapy: Power Plate

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Olympia, Washington



I encourage you to take 45 minutes out of your day today to hear my interview with Ross Pelton, the internationally famous natural pharmacist.

Here is the member link to the radio show page to hear my interview with Ross:


He addresses the potential benefits of taking a prescription medication known as Rapamycin. There is another very important research finding you will not want to miss.

Eat less and less frequently and you will live a longer, healthier life!

He explains why in the interview.


Member Benefit: 50% Tuition Discounts on all Parkinsons Recovery Courses

The good news is that dozens of natural therapies offer relief from Parkinson’s symptoms. When I launched my search in 2004, I thought there would be a handful. How wrong I was!

The bad news is that the multitude of options have created serious problems for people searching for solutions to their symptoms. It is nearly impossible to wade through the 270 replays of my radio show interviews to find therapies that can help, much less the hundreds of posts on my blog.

Many people begin a search for solutions to their symptoms but are overwhelmed by the massive body of resources I have created.

I have now solved this problem by creating a series of online courses focused on specific symptoms and themes. Instant access to the content is available when you register.

Visit the Parkinsons Recovery page listed below for information about each online course.


Enter the coupon code succeed on any course registration page to claim a 50% tuition discount. 



Claim Your Free Voice Scans

One of many benefits of your membership is voice scans I am happy to do for you. Voice scans identify frequencies needed to bring our bodies back into balance and harmony.

About Frequencies – Medicine of the Future

All living systems emit thousands of frequencies needed to sustain life. Our voice emits a wide range of frequencies required to maintain health and wellness.

Voice profiles reveal imbalances in frequencies that affect our biology and emotions. These include potential problems with cells, muscles, organs, blood and most importantly of all, unresolved emotional issues and beliefs that undermine our health

 Frequencies that are too intense or too weak can be re-balanced using the information captured in a voice scan. This in turn transmits the frequencies required to bring our back into full functionality. 

How to Get Your Voice Scan

Call me. I will set up a profile for you which includes your name, email, weight. height and birthdate. Then I will ask you to talk for 10 seconds as I record your voice into my AO Scan device from Solex.

The frequencies emitted by your voice are then analyzed. Those that are too intense and those that are diminished or absent are identified and prepared for you to listen to in a set of audio files.

The AO Scan report will select the 3  frequencies that are excessively out of balance plus the main octave that is being suppressed, embeds them in music  and places them in files  with corresponding graph, explanations, and lifestyle recommendations. These are sent to you through email.

I recommended that you listen to the audio files  2-3 times throughout the day. The programs contain radionics and binaurals so headphones are necessary.

Here is the step by step process of running a scan of your voice which identifies frequencies your boy needs to heal.

  1. Call me: 360-789-1658. Leave a message if I do not answer when you call.
  2. When we connect over the phone I will set up a brief profile on my AO Scan Solex device (your name, email, weight, height and date of birth).
  3. I then ask you to talk for 10 seconds while the system scans the frequencies emitted by your voice. The set up only takes 10 minutes.
  4. After the scan has completed I request that an email be sent to you with a 7 page report and a set of four MP3 audio clips you can listen to with headphones.
  5. You can request as many scans from me as you would like. New scans reveal new issues.

Here is more information about the new AO Scan technology that delivers frequencies needed for the body to heal from the inside out:


I am happy to do complimentary voice scans for you. Just call me! Again – this is one among many benefits of your membership.
