Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease

I just completed hosting an interview with naturopath John Coleman who has just released his new book Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease. Be sure to listen to the interview by visiting your member radio show page.  Click on the radio show icon shown on this member page or visit  the member radio show by clicking here. It will well be worth taking an hour our of your day to hear John’s perspective on recovery from Parkinson’s and his answers to questions from various Parkinsons Recovery members.

John’s new book is, to date, the most thorough exploration of the etiological pathways (causes) leading to diagnosis with Parkinson’s disease or similar neuro disorders.

Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease explains how and why trauma, toxins and stealth infections create symptoms diagnosed as a “disease”, usually treated without any further investigation into prodromal history, early life, toxic load or the possibility of infection.

The major section of this work details strategies to create wellness and reverse the illness processes, much available to patients with little or no cost. There are sections on Western Allopathic Medical treatments (symptom control), Complementary Medical treatments and therapies to avoid.


Questions and Answers from the Q&A Today

Questions Addressed during the Q&A Today:

  • What symptoms does the supplement 5htp address?
  • Is CBD oil recommended as a therapy for neurological symptoms?
  • Is it safe to take if I am also taking Parkinson’s medications?
  • I have tightening in muscles in my arms and shoulders which
    makes it difficult to breathe while walking. Has anyone had success
    dealing with this problem?
  • I am taking mars venus superfood with minerals and detox lemonade. Has anyone had success with this protocol?
  • Had anyone ever tried near infrared saunas with any success for Parkinson’s symptoms?
  • Please explain and compare the advantages of three therapies:
    1) Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy (BEMER)
    2) Photobiomodulation (Vielight)
    3) Biontology
  • I have problems sticking with a program of recovery that is helping me
    feel better. Have you witnessed this type of cycle? Please provide insights
    in how to getting past this.
  • Why does Parkinson’s progress in many Parkinson’s patients? Is it psychological or is there an underling disease mechanism at play?


How to Make Dopamine Naturally

The best way to make dopamine naturally without taking synthetic medicines or supplements is to laugh out loud. My new jokes app sends a joke each day to android phones.

You are sure to find some jokes funny. I do. Some you may not think are so funny or even stupid. It actually does not matter whether you think a joke is funny or not. The Parkinsons Recovery joke-a-day is a daily reminder to laugh out loud. It is the best natural medicine ever. Even better – laughing out loud at a joke-a-day is effective and has no side effects.

How to obtain the Parkinsons Recovery Joke-a-Day app on your android phone. From your phone – search for Parkinsons Recovery and look for this Icon:

Or, if you are accessing this post from your android phone, simply click on the Joke-a-Day icon above to download the app to your phone. It costs 5 cents a day and is by far the most inexpensive way imaginable to infuse your body with a rush of dopamine.


New Dopamine Supplement from Spain

A natural Spanish product called AtreMorine is derived from the Fava bean plant. Have any of you used this product? One of our support group members has been using it with some success. Initial usage and experimentation has been very promising, enabling him to reduce his Madopar and Comptan dopamine  medication by up to 30%. Here are relevant links to the product and research he sent me:
