Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease

I just completed hosting an interview with naturopath John Coleman who has just released his new book Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease. Be sure to listen to the interview by visiting your member radio show page.  Click on the radio show icon shown on this member page or visit  the member radio show by clicking here. It will well be worth taking an hour our of your day to hear John’s perspective on recovery from Parkinson’s and his answers to questions from various Parkinsons Recovery members.

John’s new book is, to date, the most thorough exploration of the etiological pathways (causes) leading to diagnosis with Parkinson’s disease or similar neuro disorders.

Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease explains how and why trauma, toxins and stealth infections create symptoms diagnosed as a “disease”, usually treated without any further investigation into prodromal history, early life, toxic load or the possibility of infection.

The major section of this work details strategies to create wellness and reverse the illness processes, much available to patients with little or no cost. There are sections on Western Allopathic Medical treatments (symptom control), Complementary Medical treatments and therapies to avoid.


Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics

During the radio show interview with Natural Pharmacist Ross Pelton, a type of probiotics was recommended to facilitate healing of the gut (which has been found a causal factor to Parkinson’s symptoms). I received authorization as a distributor these products and have been taking Dr. Ohhira’s probiotics myself for 3 days.

I have been very surprised at the result quite frankly. My energy is better and my mood has improved (which tends to be sour in the winter time because of the lack of sunshine). Be sure to listen to my interview with Ross. I am convinced he has a sound recommendation that facilitates healing from the inside-out.
