Halt Anxiety

I am proud to announce that my new book which introduces proven techniques that Halt  Anxiety is now available as a download and as a paperback. This has been a work in progress for four months which is at long last complete.

My new book introduces simple techniques that calm anxiety and reduce stress when most needed. The techniques:

  • Are simple to implement 
  • Can be accessed anywhere, anytime in any situation. 
  • Cost nothing
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Calm stress 
  • Help reduce the severity of symptoms

Click below to order the download which will be sent immediately to your computer or phone.

Download of Halt Anxiety

Click below to order the paperback:

Paperback of Halt Anxiety


Ominous Impact of Stress

Speaking for myself, I have always underestimated the impact of stress on my own health. This past month I received an new awakening about what stress really does to our ability to function. I traveled to Texas to help out my daughter who was experiencing health problems. What I noticed during this period was:

  • Lack of focus
  • Impaired recall
  • Short term memory loss
  • Forgetfulness 
  • Loss of energy
  • Fatigue 

Yes, all of my usual functions have “come back on line” as they say in the computer world. But, I must report that the impact of the stress was frightening.

This is the same process for us all. My point? Do whatever it takes to get stress in your life under control. It impact on Parkinson’s symptoms is compelling.
