Parkinsons Recovery Recommendations

Parkinsons Recovery Recommendations

Anxiety: Shut Down Anxiety
Enter Coupon Code SUCCEED to Claim a 50%Tuition Discount

Cataracts: Can-C Eye Drops


CoQ10: Pharmanord
Enter Coupon Code PRQ10WEB to claim a 20% Discount

Frequency Medicine: Healy

Glutathione: ME3

Hydration: Aquas

Walking Issues: Rock Solid Walking
Enter Coupon Code SUCCEED to claim a 50% Tuition Discount


Enter Coupon Code healing4me to claim a 10% discount

Probiotics: Dr. Ohhira’s

Sound Medicine: Solex

Tremors: Tame Tremors
Enter Coupon Code SUCCEED to claim a 50% Tuition Discount

Vibration Therapy: Power Plate

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Olympia, Washington



I encourage you to take 45 minutes out of your day today to hear my interview with Ross Pelton, the internationally famous natural pharmacist.

Here is the member link to the radio show page to hear my interview with Ross:

He addresses the potential benefits of taking a prescription medication known as Rapamycin. There is another very important research finding you will not want to miss.

Eat less and less frequently and you will live a longer, healthier life!

He explains why in the interview.


Claim Your Free Voice Scans

One of many benefits of your membership is voice scans I am happy to do for you. Voice scans identify frequencies needed to bring our bodies back into balance and harmony.

About Frequencies – Medicine of the Future

All living systems emit thousands of frequencies needed to sustain life. Our voice emits a wide range of frequencies required to maintain health and wellness.

Voice profiles reveal imbalances in frequencies that affect our biology and emotions. These include potential problems with cells, muscles, organs, blood and most importantly of all, unresolved emotional issues and beliefs that undermine our health

 Frequencies that are too intense or too weak can be re-balanced using the information captured in a voice scan. This in turn transmits the frequencies required to bring our back into full functionality. 

How to Get Your Voice Scan

Call me. I will set up a profile for you which includes your name, email, weight. height and birthdate. Then I will ask you to talk for 10 seconds as I record your voice into my AO Scan device from Solex.

The frequencies emitted by your voice are then analyzed. Those that are too intense and those that are diminished or absent are identified and prepared for you to listen to in a set of audio files.

The AO Scan report will select the 3  frequencies that are excessively out of balance plus the main octave that is being suppressed, embeds them in music  and places them in files  with corresponding graph, explanations, and lifestyle recommendations. These are sent to you through email.

I recommended that you listen to the audio files  2-3 times throughout the day. The programs contain radionics and binaurals so headphones are necessary.

Here is the step by step process of running a scan of your voice which identifies frequencies your boy needs to heal.

  1. Call me: 360-789-1658. Leave a message if I do not answer when you call.
  2. When we connect over the phone I will set up a brief profile on my AO Scan Solex device (your name, email, weight, height and date of birth).
  3. I then ask you to talk for 10 seconds while the system scans the frequencies emitted by your voice. The set up only takes 10 minutes.
  4. After the scan has completed I request that an email be sent to you with a 7 page report and a set of four MP3 audio clips you can listen to with headphones.
  5. You can request as many scans from me as you would like. New scans reveal new issues.

Here is more information about the new AO Scan technology that delivers frequencies needed for the body to heal from the inside out:

I am happy to do complimentary voice scans for you. Just call me! Again – this is one among many benefits of your membership.


AO Voice Scans

The following is intended for those of you who have been getting voice scans from me. In the event you have not called me to get a scan of your voice, the previous post here outlines what is involved. You really only have to call me! This is included in your membership!

Notice to members who have been listening to the sounds generated by the AO Voice Scans 

How has listening to the sounds generated by your voice scan been for you? Feedback is this: The more you listen, the more you will notice shifts in your well being.

I run a voice scan on myself every day. Results shift. Feel free to continue calling me for follow-up scans. Now that your profile has been set up – it only takes a minute as you well know.

There are other comprehensive body scans that can be run when you have an AO Scan device which generates fascinating results. These scans generate frequencies that bring your body back into balance.

I have posted additional videos of scans I have run on myself on my Promising Therapies class for the AO Scan class.

If you are not set up for access to this course so you can view the videos, call me or email me. I will set you up for a month of free access to the Promising Therapies online course so you can get the full story of the AO Scan technology by Solex.

What is required if you want to purchase a Solex device and begin running all of the AO scans for yourself?

In comparison to some of the other promising therapies, the cost of AO Scan Solex technology is relatively inexpensive. The initial set-up cost is approximately $700.

You need to acquire a device. Choices are either a phone or a tablet. The phone costs $500, much cheaper than retail phones at phone stores. I only use my phone for doing the scans but you can add T-Mobile if you want to use it as a phone too.

You also need to register for a monthly subscription which is $149 a month or about $5 a day. They are continuously updating the technology.

Finally, although optional, I recommend you register to have a website of your own so that you can introduce the technology to others.  Purchases by others can cover your monthly subscription costs. The technical term to get a website is Quantum Life Advocate.

Using AO scans can turn out to be free to you as you refer others who join. This of course is my goal as well. The cost to become a Quantum Life Advocate (again this gives you a personalized  website) is only $49 a year.

I can help you learn how to run AO scans and sign up for the AO Scan service if interested. I do believe this type of technology is the future of medicine and intent to use it every day myself.

And again, feel free to call me for additional free voice scans if you do not have your own AO device.


Recommendation for the BEMER PEMF Therapy

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Force Therapy. The concept behind the therapy originated  in Germany 25 years ago. The original device that delivers the therapy is called the BEMER (just like the car). Over the years, other PEMF devices have been invented and promoted.

The BEMER is widely used throughout Europe in medical clinics, hospitals and homes.

My recommendation for you is this. If you decide to get a PEMF device, get the gold standard option which  is the BEMER,  now FDA approved. There are other devices that cost less, but they do not have the research to support their effectiveness.

How to claim your $1000 payment from me.

As I mention in the audio clip, I strongly believe using the BEMER every day addresses a wide variety of symptoms that can emerge as we age. It can also have beneficial effects when it comes to Parkinson’s symptoms.

You can only get a BEMER from someone else who has already acquired one and has elected to be a distributor. When you get a BEMER from me – distributors get their own website –  I personally receive approximately $1,000 from the sale. Once you purchase a BEMER from my website, I will be happy to return to you the $1000 I will receive as a result of the sale.

Here is the process involved.

First, visit my BEMER website and order a BEMER PRO. There are lots of loan programs available or you can get one on a lease to loan basis.

Second, email me that you have made your purchase:
Third, I will send you $1000 to your Paypal account (or send you a check if you do not have paypal) 30 days after your purchase.

This will cut down the cost by approximately 25%.

What do I get of the deal? ::: The knowledge that you are using a therapy that in the long run will make a difference  to the quality of your life and that of your family who also choose to use the BEMER on a daily basis.

Note: You do have to keep giving yourself treatments. Do not expect you can give yourself treatments for several months and then go cold turkey. Plan on taking a few minutes out of each day to give yourself a treatment.


Delta Variant

It would seem the delta variant of Covid is responsible for spreading thedelta variant disease more quickly. What can you do if you are infected? Of course, check with your medical doctor immediately. I am not a medical doctor, but I wanted you to know what my own doctor told me.

Obviously, hospitalization is an option. My own doctor made a recommendation that I wanted you to know about. She recommended that I take antihistamines if infected with the Delta Variant of the corona virus. There are a variety of over the counter options. My naturopath has some high quality options – so check with your own doctor about natural alternatives.

Anti-histamines Help Knock Out the Delta Variant

Changing your diet should also help. Incorporate fresh foods like fruits and vegetables, fresh meat seafood, and whole grains. I found this listing of foods on the internet that contain high histamines which should be avoided:

  • fermented dairy products, such as cheese (especially aged), yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk, and kefir.
  • fermented vegetables, such as sauerkraut and kimchi.
  • pickles or pickled veggies.
  • kombucha.
  • cured or fermented meats, such as sausages, salami, and fermented ham.


If you get infected, my doctor tells me taking anti-histamines (there are many over the counter options) and changing your diet can offer welcome relief from your symptoms.

New Danger of Radiation Exposure

I have been replacing the shingles on my roof this past several weeks. It is been tough going because the men I hired for the job keep getting sick from – of all things – radiation exposure. They tell me this has never happened to them – and they have been roofing for years.

What is Up Here?

This problem is a new challenge for the earth. In past centuries and decades, the trees and oceans of the earth have had a natural capacity to absorb radiation from the skies. Over the past several weeks, the absorption capacity had exceeded its limits. The excessive radiation is now being a reflected back out to the atmosphere.

Ask yourself – have you noticed it feels different when you are outside? I certainly do.

Increased exposure means that there is now more  exposure to radiation toxins when you are exposed to the outside. Be on the lookout for recommendations for how to protect yourself.
