Chi Machine


“I am so sorry to miss the support group today.   I pray that you are finding support and self-care for yourself.  You do so much for others.
Minor point.   Over the last few weeks, I have been using my CHI Machine one to two times a day.  Interesting things are happening such as my rigidity has dramatically improved.  My rigidity is primarily on my right side and I used to use a heating pad and magnesium spray on a regular basis.  Since using my CHI Machine, my walking has improved and boy…watch the arm swing when I walk now.  No longer need the heating pad or the magnesium spray.  I purchased the CHI Machine used off of  craigslist for around $100.  Best investment!  Just wanted to pass this information along since  Bill also found the CHI Machine useful
Please remember to put yourself first right now…Hugs, Isabel”

Ignore Testimonials

I have a recommendation for you to consider: Ignore testimonials. Why?

A vast majority of testimonials are bogus.  Some people who sell products make them up. I say some people. Obviously there are reputable businesses out there.

The other trend is for competitors to enter negative falsified testimonials  Competitors hire companies that do just that. If something is new and very effective you will often come across a lot of negative testimonials for this reason.

I introduce a variety of therapies for you to consider in my books. classes and blogs.  I can assure you that some people have found them to be effective, so we know they help some people. Will any particular therapy help you?

Maybe. Maybe not. The best information is to ask your body if something can help. Learn how to muscle these types of questions. I have a booklet that explains 4 easy to do muscle testing methods. I am happy to send you a PDF of the book. Just email me.

Muscle testing is one way to get the answers you need about whether to pursue a therapy. You can always trust you intuition and inner instincts. If something does not feel quite quite to you – forget it! If something does – pursue it despite what other people might think .

We all react differently. Trust yourself to know the best decisions to make for your health. Forget about what anyone else might think or say. You can not trust most of what is out there anyway!


The Healy

What is the Healy?

I did not know the answer a week ago. Several trusted friends recommended that we purchase a Healy, so I did do just that today. It is an entirely different approach to healing which always grabs my attention. The focus is on balancing an strengthening the energy running throughout the various body meridians.

I will give you updates on our experience using it over the coming months. Will it address Parkinson’s symptoms? I have no idea, but given the design, I am eager to explore whether this new therapy can help address them. Robert

Update on the BEMER (Electromagnetic Field Pulse Therapy)

Several of you have expressed interest in getting a BEMER. I would advise at this point to hold of purchasing it. Here is why.

The BEMER has been under FDA scrutiny recently after imports from Europe were suspended. The FDA has approved the sale of the BEMER – but approval does not include the b-body (a mattress type accessory you lie on to receive the 8 minute treatments).  Approval is forthcoming for the b-body accessory since there is solid research supporting its use and effectiveness.

The company is currently promoting a product absent the b-body which they have named the BEMER GO.  I recommend you wait until  you can also get a BEMER which includes the b-body as an accessory.

The BEMER is a marvelous new technology which opens up the circulation throughout the body. Its design allows for the removal of waste and toxins from the cells and the delivery of nutrition. For these reasons alone. it is a technology to be taken seriously.

But for now – hold off getting a BEMER.


Brain Health and the Pandemic

Why are my Parkinson’s symptoms  so much worse during this Pandemic?

Answer:  An epigenetic change in your physical body which was most likely set in motion during the first years of life.  Unrelenting stress for a new born child results in “stress methylation.” A specific chemical molecule has attached itself to the on/off which is a part of every gene.

With stress methylation, the gene whose job it is to shut down the continuous flow of cortisol is deactivated. Since the switch is permanently “stuck”, we find ourselves as adults in an unexplained spin of worry, dread, anxiety and fear.

Since this anxious state is familiar as ingrained from the first year of life we do not really have any effective tools to un-stick the off/on switch.

All this means we can be instantly “triggered” and “set off” by the most innocuous experiences and stimuli. The recent events have been anything but “innocuous .”

Watch this wonderful BBC news explanation about the effects these stressful times are having on all of us.  The link below connects to a  2 minute news video that explains why your symptoms have likely become so much worse over recent months.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Olympia Washington
What Really Matters

Recovery Support and Assistance is Here!

There are so many excellent natural therapies that have been helping people celebrate relief from their symptoms. I continue to document ways people succeed in their recovery programs in three online courses available 24 hours a day.

Before creating each of these courses (the tuition costs about the same as the $10 monthly subscription) the therapies and methods I have systematically documented were available in a wide variety of outlets and difficult to find. With over 260 radio show interviews that span over a decade – the interview replays are buried somewhere deep  in the radio show archives.

I have been listening to some of the interviews I hosted over a decade ago and extracting the best ideas from some very gifted individuals – some guests have Parkinson’s; others are knowledgeable health care professionals. New content is posted on each of the course platforms every 5 days.

For members only – I have a 25% tuition discount coupon code you can apply when registering for any of the courses. Use the coupon code MY2020  at checkout.

You will encounter a variety of options. Some are options that have just been invented or developed over the past several years. Others are therapies used by our ancestors centuries ago.


Check out the content of my online courses. Each option is thoroughly documented and presented for your consideration. Embrace those that call out to you and join others who have launched a successful journey down the road to recovery.

Click on the course links below to preview some of the treatment options and therapies that are covered in the courses.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder Parkinsons Recovery

All About Candida Overgrowth

Join us today for the Parkinsons Recovery Support group. Connection details are posted on the member’s Support Group Page. Click on the support group page icon to the right (or if you are connecting with a phone – at the bottom of this page.

A member has requested I discuss candida. As always, if you cannot join us live for the gathering, listen to the replay later which will be posted on the support group page.
