All Questions Answered

Greetings during these weird times!

Do you have questions about recovery that need to be addressed? Email me them. I will be happy to respond.

Do you have natural therapies that you would like me to address?
Email me them. I will be happy to address them – or do additional research to provide a full report on the therapy in question.

Please continue to visit these member pages frequently! I update the pages every day to offer a moment of inspiration and motivation that is necessary for a successful recovery program.

And for those of you who have enrolled in any of my online courses at the member tuition discount

Please engage the course content regularly too! I post a new approach to recovery – whether a natural therapy, method or technique – that offers the opportunity for symptom relief.

I have focused all of my energies since the lock down on adding new content to all three courses.  On reflection, I can proudly report that you will discover some remarkable ideas for how to make recovery happen.

If you have not had the opportunity to enroll in the online courses and wish to do so, be sure and claim the 25% discount available to Parkinsons Recovery members. The coupon code is MY2020.


Member Tuition Discount for All Parkinsons Recovery Courses

There are so many benefits to your Parkinsons Recovery membership! One of them is to claim a 25% discount on any of my online Parkinsons Recovery courses. You simply need to enter the coupon code MY2020  and presto – the discount will automatically be applied. This brings the tuition subscription down to only around $10 a month.

Here are description of the courses. Click on the secure link for the course title for more information and to register:

Tame Tremors

What Really Matters

Rock Solid Walking


Discover How to Tame Your Tremors

Are you searching for methods, therapies and systems that can tame your tremors? 
If the answer is yes, I extend a warm invitation to consider taking my Tame Tremors online course.  I roll out one therapy or method after another that my two decades of research reveals can help tame tremors.  My focus is on natural approaches. I leave issues about prescription medications to be addressed by medical doctors.

So check out my new course. Tame Tremors includes a free download of my book: Seven Secrets to Healing. Enter for coupon coup MY2020 for a 25% discount off the already low tuition. Seven day free trial. Cancel anytime.
Tame Tremors organizes, explains and updates the most successful strategies, therapies and treatments that have been reported by research studies to tame tremors as well as reported by persons who themselves have succeeded in taming their own tremors. 
My new  online course rolls out dozens of natural therapies that have been successful for persons to tame their tremors.  It organizes, explains and updates the most successful strategies, therapies and treatments that have been reported by persons who themselves experience tremors.

Some of the methods have just emerged over the past decade.  Some have been practiced for centuries. We do not have yet a great deal of evidence on effectiveness of some of the newly formulated or invented therapies, but early reports are extremely encouraging. I want everyone to know about these new developments.

Traumas Cause Anxieties. Anxieties Inflame Tremors.
Anxiety has a profound impact on making tremors so much worse. One of the most successful strategies that tame tremors is to shut down anxiety.

Shaking Tames Tremors.
Vibration offers relief from symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.

Breathing The Right Way Tames Tremors.
If your cells have a deficiency of oxygen, doesn’t it make good sense they will shake, rattle and roll to get your attention?

Emotional Reactions Aggravate Tremors.
Emotional Reactions happen when our reaction to a situation is “over the top.” An intense and fiery emotional response is not justified by the circumstances.

Family Entanglements Sabotage Efforts to Tame Tremors.
Family Entanglements occur when we take on the suffering, pain and disease of another family member out of love.

Energy Psychology.
Energy psychology is a novel approach embraced by some psychologists who use muscle testing to identify and clear reasons for conditions like tremors.

Essential Oils.
Essential oils have a soothing effect on the body’s neurological system which helps tame tremors.

Herbal Remedies.
Certain herbal remedies can tame tremors. You have likely never even heard about some of them.

Home Remedies for Tremors
Macrobiotic Guru Warren Kramer offers highly effective (and little known) home remedies that tame tremors

For more information and to register visit:
Enter the coupon code MY2020 for a 25% tuition discount 

Fava Beans.
Aunt Bean has developed an inventive way to formulate a tincture from fava bean plants which tames her tremors.

Ketone Ester Tames Tremors.
Ketone esters have been available commercially only since 2019. They are a natural source of energy for the brain which can tame tremors

Photobiomodulation (Light Therapy).
Research reports promising possibilities for photobiomodulation as a therapy that offers relief from neurological conditions

Power of the Mind.
You have everything you need to tame tremors and always have: Actualizing the endless power of your mind.

Tai Chi.
Tai Chi is an ancient practice of soulful meditation that brings the body back to a place of centeredness and balance and as a result tames tremors.

Feldenkrais® Therapy for Tremors.
Small movements help the body remember how to experience calmness without tremors.

Vibration Therapy
Vibration Therapy shows promise as a therapy for Parkinson’s symptoms including tremors

Consuming a NADH supplement or eating foods rich in NADH may tame tremors.

Yoga Tames Tremors
Yoga Helps Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Including Tremors

For more information and to register visit:
Enter the coupon code MY2020 for a 25% tuition discount 

P.S. The course will not address prescriptions medications which fall into the domain of medical doctors, so any issues or questions about medications will need to be addressed with your doctor.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia, Washington USA


Three Dynamite Solutions for Problems with Walking

I just completed teaching an eight class course titled Rock Solid Walking. I wanted everyone to know about three suggestions that have a direct impact on transforming problems with walking…
I prepared videos and written explanations of each solution. To watch the videos click on the secure link below. Then, simply enter your first name and email address in the fields provided so I can email you links to the videos I have prepared for you to watch.

What Happened to the Daily Updates Last Week?

I owe each of you an apology. We lost our power in the office off and on for five long days last week because of a history making Washington snow storm. I have never ever seen such snow in Washington. Michigan – yes. Never in Washington. I struggled to meet (and prepare) for the classes and respond to correspondence.

Updates to the member website did not get done last week. This week however we have power, most of the snow is gone and I have updated all the member website pages.


Four Registrations Available for My New Class on How to Reduce Stress

Everyone who experiences the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is well aware that stress and anxiety fuel symptoms. When stress is brought under control and anxiety is cut to the quick, symptoms become far less troublesome.

Everyone also knows that medicines and supplements have the potential to suppress symptoms in the short run, but they offer little promise of long lasting effectiveness. What in the world can deliver on this promise? Are there any simple techniques that can?

My answer is yes.

A am offering a new course that introduces simple techniques which cost nothing and turn the volume down on an overactive sympathetic nervous system. I did not invent these techniques. They have been extracted and simplified from an extensive body of research on anxiety. Everyone can use them.

These simple techniques really do help reduce anxiety and stress in the moment. The only reason they will not succeed is if you do not activate them when stress rears its ugly head.

The techniques are:

  • Simple
  • Easy to do
  • Accessible 24 hours a day
  • Free to access
  • Effective

Techniques will be taught during four classes to be offered for the first time in October 2018. Two class schedules are available. Choose the class day that best meets your needs:

Monday Classes
2:00 pm pacific time
October 8, 15, 22, 29
Tuition $48
Sign me up for the Monday Classes
Wednesday Classes
12:00 pm Noon pacific time
October 10, 17, 24, 31
Tuition $48
This Class is Full 

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


August Support Group Gathering is Monday

That is right folks. Our monthly support group gathering is coming up Monday at 12:00 noon pacific time. Email me questions and topics you would like to be addressed and I will put them on the agenda.


P.S. Of course – the connection scoop is on the member support group page. Click on the icon listed down the right hand column.

Recovery Happens When Habits Change

No one likes to change. I do not. I like my routines and habits. They define me.

However …. if troubling symptoms have emerged for you, then might I suggest that it is time to seriously consider evaluating habits that need to be changed.

  • Perhaps the food that you currently eat?
  • Perhaps the way you use your phone?
  • Perhaps your hesitation to detox?
  • Perhaps your hesitation to exercise?
  • Perhaps thoughts that are not in your best and highest good?
  • Perhaps the people you hang out with (or do not hang out with)?
  • Perhaps your addiction to watch the nightly or morning news which show mostly stories of pain and suffering?

You get the point. Think about at least one habit you might consider changing – even if it is to stop eating ice cream – that you know in your heart, mind and soul will help you feel better. Then … make it happen right now.


Q&A about the Aquas

Many Parkinsons Recovery members take the Aquas, the homeopathic remedy designed by Leonie Hibbert and Jaraslov Boublik PhD to support better hydration. Both of the creators of this marvelous remedy are Australians.

I asked Leonie Hibbert a series of questions about the Aquas. Even if you are taking the Aquas now, I suspect you will discover the answers Leonie offers during the Q&A to be informative.

The Q&A about Aquas is posted on the radio show page here on the member websites.


News from Robert

What is Happening This Week?

Mega Doses of Thiamine as a Therapy for Parkinson’s?

I have scheduled a Parkinsons Recovery Radio radio show interview with Italian doctor Costantini Antonio MD who promotes a novel treatment for Parkinson’s: mega doses of Thiamine (or Vitamin B1). The interview is scheduled for May 22nd. He does not speak English fluently, but one of his colleagues does who will be translating for him.

Do you have questions you would like me to ask him? Email me them and I will put them on the list.

Apparently, he has been getting surprisingly good results with his treatment protocol. We all now get to learn all about it.

Therapy for Vision Problems

I have recently received several reports from members who lost their driver’s license and independence alone with it. By way of supporting those of you who may be experiencing vision problems, I posted on the radio show page an interview about the causes of vision problems and a therapy research shows helps address them in most (but not all) cases. The interview is posted here on the member radio show page. To hear the interview click on the Radio Show Icon listed down the right column of this page.
