Update on the BEMER (Electromagnetic Field Pulse Therapy)

Several of you have expressed interest in getting a BEMER. I would advise at this point to hold of purchasing it. Here is why.

The BEMER has been under FDA scrutiny recently after imports from Europe were suspended. The FDA has approved the sale of the BEMER – but approval does not include the b-body (a mattress type accessory you lie on to receive the 8 minute treatments).  Approval is forthcoming for the b-body accessory since there is solid research supporting its use and effectiveness.

The company is currently promoting a product absent the b-body which they have named the BEMER GO.  I recommend you wait until  you can also get a BEMER which includes the b-body as an accessory.

The BEMER is a marvelous new technology which opens up the circulation throughout the body. Its design allows for the removal of waste and toxins from the cells and the delivery of nutrition. For these reasons alone. it is a technology to be taken seriously.

But for now – hold off getting a BEMER.


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